Wednesday 25 October 2017

Boost Your Self-Confidence By Joining a Pole Studio At Northcote

Modern-day pole dancing has evolved into exercise form practiced by not only experts but by everybody from casual students and gym-goers to popular pole athletes. The world of western pole goes back a lot longer than many would imagine. Pole dancing was once thought to exist exclusively within the domain of the exotic arts, but once word got out that it helped with strength, endurance and flexibility, it took on a new popularity among women of all backgrounds.

Pole studios can now be found very easily in Northcote, but it has yet to find its way to your local gym and health clubs. Even though pole dancing is a great form of exercise or workout, it is still very theatrical and sensual, and as a result, some people in the fitness community may regard it as something of a lark or a fad.

If you think pole dance fitness may be a good fit for you, you can join a pole studio at Northcote to learn this erotic workout. No matter what your fitness or experience levelism, there is always a perfect pole dancing class with a plethora of choices for you.

So, if you’re thinking about pole dancing as your fitness source, there’s no better time than the present to check it out. Much like swimming, rock climbing, or, surfing, pole dancing is a great total body workout, and it edges out those other sports by offering a boosting self-confidence in the end. If you’re still not quite sure if you want to hop up there on the pole, visit the Pole Princes dance studio at Northcote and you will realize if it might be for you.

Friday 13 October 2017

5 points for finding best pole dancing lessons/instructors

So you have made the leap and have decided to take up pole dancing classes. You’ve researched local classes and studios; now your time has come to gain strength, flexibility, confidence and more! But not all pole dancers are created equal, so how do you find the right pole dancing instructors for you?

1) They must be qualified to teach: Maybe it sounds you very basic and obvious. But a few hundred dollars and a weekend of training can't make someone an expert. Look for a qualified instructor who has years of experience under their belts.

2) They should do more than just taking you through a class: A top quality pole instructor does more than just take you through pole dancing lessons. Find an instructor who will make you aware and teach you about all the elements necessary to achieve optimal fitness and results.

3) Assured results: An amazing pole dance instructor should be able to do more than just talking about theoretical strength/fitness that you can gain from pole dancing. They should be able to prove that they can deliver! Ask for proof of their clients' results. Do they have their testimonials, before/after photos, videos from clients? If a pole dancing instructor can't provide you all these things then be careful!

4) Ask for a guarantee: Spending your time and energy without a guarantee of the result is no work. Don't waste your time and money working with someone who can't provide you a guarantee or a long-term vision for your success.

5) Good empowerment skills: A true professional will teach you all of the skills and knowledge so that you will be no longer confused when it comes to pole dancing lessons, diet, and fitness.

While making your inquiries for pole dancing classes, use these five points, they can be very helpful to find an instructor. Pole Princess is the best place for pole dancing lessons with full of encouragement. Backed by professional, experienced staffs, they are completely dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. Read more...